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62 Careers

Photo of teachers collaborating at the new teacher orientation.
Work in CCSD62!

Join Our Team of Educators, Administrators, and Support Services Today!

Community Consolidated School District 62 employs over 900 qualified staff members committed to helping students achieve, contribute and lead with integrity.

Job Fair!

CCSD62 held their first paraeducator job fair on February 1st at the Early Learning Center.

Potential candidates had the opportunity to learn how to become a licensed paraeducator, meet current staff members, and participate in onsite interviews.




Become a Paraprofessional Today!

Paraprofessionals play an essential role within school districts. Under the supervision of a licensed teacher, a paraprofessional supports teachers and students in many ways. For instance, a paraprofessional can tutor students or assist the teacher with managing the classroom and organizing instructional materials.

ENDORSEMENT Requirements:

  • At least 19 years of age to serve students in prekindergarten through grade 12
  • You may qualify for the ELS-Paraprofessional license by meeting the requirements outlined below at age 18 but only may serve in prekindergarten through grade 8
  • One of the following required
    • Associate's degree or higher
    • High School Diploma or GED and a score of 460 or higher on the ETS Paraprofessional
    • High School Diploma or GED and the following scores on the ACT Workkeys:
      • Applied Mathematics/Applied Math (with a score of 4)
      • Reading for information/Workplace Documents (with a score of 4)

Years Valid: 5

Limitations: Must work under the direct supervision of a licensed teacher.

Renewable?: May be renewed with payment of registration fees.

Notes: If you hold a Paraprofessional License and have a Bachelor's Degree on file, you are qualified to be a substitute teacher. Coursework must be at the 100-level or higher from a regionally accredited college or university.

Short-Term Approval requirements:

  • High school diploma (or equivalent), or higher
  • While working on the approval, educator must be fulfilling requirements for the full license.

Years Valid: 3

Renewable?: No

*Short-Term Paraprofessional Approvals are available for application until June 30, 2025, and may not be renewed.

Paraprofessional WorkKeys Testing Instructions


The North Cook Intermediate Service Center can help with your questions on how to obtain a paraprofessional license.

Izabela Kuczek
Licensure Specialist
Shirley Bloom
Licensure Specialist



62 Stories: Paraeducators

Narrated by Kathleen Kelly Colgan & Amy Cengel


23-24 Job Fairs

Para educator Job Fair!

Date: October 25th

When: 5:30PM - 7:30PM

Where: Westerhold Early Learning Center

Address: 1375 South 5th Avenue

View the Flyer:

English Spanish Polish

Careers in ccsd62!

We know finding the right position is critical to your work and life balance. We also know that a job description doesn't always share the amazing things you will be able to accomplish as a team member at CCSD62. We are proud to highlight the important work of various members of the CCSD62 team—what they really do, how they really grow.


How to apply for an open position

We are honored you have decided to apply for a position on our team. We are dedicated to your professional and personal growth and trust that you will have the opportunity to flourish at CCSD62.

We hire throughout the year with our peak seasons for educators from March-August and November-December. All open positions are posted on our job board.

It all begins with an application. Once you submit an application for an open position, you will be contacted should you meet the requirements needed for the position. Be sure to apply for each position you are qualified for. Positions are available until they are removed from our hiring site. Finally, your information will remain in our applicant tracking system for one year after applying for a position.

Apply Now

we are here to help

For assistance in completing an online employment application, please email

Ariana Pinedo - Email Me

Janet Arroyo - Email Me

or visit the CCSD62 Human Resources Office located at  777 East Algonquin Road, Des Plaines, IL 60016.

Non-English assistance is available.


Didn’t See The Position For You?

Even if we don’t currently have a position open that fits your unique skill sets, we encourage you to complete an applicant profile. You can also set up alerts to notify you of new open job posts based on your interest. Profiles are accessed when attempting to fill new positions.