New Families
On behalf of our entire staff here at Orchard Place Elementary School, we welcome you to our learning community. Our school has many caring staff that will be present and available as you take your first steps here with us.
Welcome to orchard place elementary school!
We are days away from welcoming our Eagles to the building. Families can review their student's classroom assignment via the Parent Portal in Infinite Campus.
We are hosting a School Supply Drop Off on Monday, August 19, 2024 from 1:00-3:00PM, as well as our annual Open House & Curriculum Night on Thursday, August 29, 2024 from 5:00-6:00PM. More information can be found in following sections of this newsletter.
As a reminder, the first day of classes for our 1st-5th graders is Tuesday, August 20. The first day for kindergarten is Wednesday, August 21. Here are some tips for a successful start:
- bring a reusable water bottle to school
- have an extra pair of clothes in your backpack, in case of accidents and spills
- check the lunch menu and decide if a lunch from home is needed (available on our school website)
- arrive to school by 8:55am to avoid being marked tardy. Afternoon kindergarten should arrive by 12:55pm.
- vacations are not excused absences, the 10-month calendar for your students is linked below
Teachers will greet our students throughout this coming week during arrival to ensure a smooth start to the day. Please check your email for a welcome letter from your child's classroom teacher!
Supply Drop Off & Fundraiser
Orchard Place Fundraiser!
Kona Ice will be selling snow cones that afternoon for a tasty treat and as a fundraiser for our Family Activities Committee. We look forward to seeing all of our Eagles and their families on August 19. For a school supply list and school calendar, please visit
School Supply Drop Off
We welcome you to the building on Monday, August 19 from 1:00-3:00PM for our annual School Supply Drop Off. You may bring all of your student's supplies that day, meet our staff, and visit with Orchard Place families on our playground.
No cell phones or smart watches during the school day
It is the practice in D62 schools that students who carry cell phones or bring smart watches to school turn off their devices before entering the building and can turn them back on after the end of the school day. If devices are brought to school, they will be kept in their backpacks during the school day.
Registration for Before or After School Care
Right at School provides before and after school enrichment in elementary schools across the nation. Visit for more information.
Go Eagles!
- Jennifer Suarez Bautista
Jennifer Suarez Bautista
School Contact Info:
Phone: (847) 824-1255
School Expectations
To help students be successful in school, we provide clear and consistent expectations for behavior through a system called PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports).
This not only allows for success it helps support equitable practices.
The behavior expectations should be followed in all settings throughout the school day. On the bus, in the classroom, at lunch and recess. The expectations keep all students safe and attend to the their learning.
The guiding principles are for students to:
Be Responsible
Be Respectful
Be Safe
Be Ready to learn
School Expectations
Soaring Eagles
Engage all students in learning that leads to academic growth, achievement, and readiness for high school, college, career, and life.