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Student Achievement

Each year, students in all Illinois public schools participate in the state mandated Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR).

The IAR then reports the academic performance outcomes of students across the state and allows each district to compare outcomes for their students to outcomes for Illinois students as a whole.

The IAR assesses students in English Language Arts (ELA) and in Mathematics. We continue to strive for increasing the number of our students who are meeting and exceeding the challenging state grade level standards in all subject areas.

The results from Community Consolidated School District 62 show that our students have been steadily increasing in the percent who are meeting and exceeding proficiency.

Although our schools continue to outperform students in the state of Illinois on the IAR in English and Math, we know they are capable of so much more.

English Language Arts Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) 2023

As indicated in the chart below, in English Language Arts, 46% of CCSD 62 students score in the meeting and/or exceeding proficiency range. This is up from 45% in 2022 and 41% in 2021.

Math Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) 2023

As shown in the chart below, in Math, 37% of CCSD 62 students scored in the meeting and/or exceeding proficiency range. This is up from 35% in 2022 and 30% in 2021. In response, the district commits to a relentless pursuit of improvement to reduce the achievement gap and thus increase student achievement.

English Language Arts IAR

Percentage of students achieving performance levels with charts of data.

Math IAR

Percentage of students achieving performance levels with charts of data.