School Improvement Plan
A School Improvement Plan (SIP) or School Development Plan (SDP) is a central document used by Senior Leadership teams to map out their strategic plans for the development of their school.
Student learning in literacy
SMART Goal for Student learning in literacy
By May 2024, 20% of our students will achieve the 40th percentile of grade level ELA benchmarks or higher as measured by the Spring 2024 FastBridge (K-2) MAP (3-8).
As of Spring 2023, 12% of students met the ECRA benchmark.
Specific Action Step | Timeline & Setting | Point Person |
Throughout literacy instruction, students process information, collaboratively negotiate meaning of texts, and discuss content via Kagan cooperative learning structures |
3-5 times per week |
Principal/Team Leaders |
In grades K-3, the initial area of focus is foundational skills, phonics, word study within the context of whole group instruction for 20 minutes every day. In grades 4-5, the initial area of focus is foundational skills, phonics, word study within the context of small group instruction for students whose assessment results reveal the need |
Daily whole group or small group phonics instruction |
Principal / Team Leaders |
100% of classroom teachers will participate in job-embedded professional development from Children’s Literacy Initiative. |
2023-2024 school year |
Team Leaders |
100% of classroom teachers, EL resource and SpEd resource will co-plan instruction at least three times per week, focusing on academic and content-specific vocabulary in order to create accessible Tier 1 instruction for all students |
At least 3x/week PLCs |
Team Leaders |
Student learning in math
SMART Goal for Student learning in math
By May 2024, 20% of our students will achieve 40th percentile of grade level benchmarks or higher by Spring 2024 on MAP (3-5) and Fastbridge (K-2). As of Spring 2023, 9% of students met the ECRA benchmark.
Specific Action Step | Timeline & Setting | Point Person |
Teachers will ensure students’ completion of iReady lessons via the daily classroom schedule and by monitoring progress data. |
60 minutes per week or 2 lessons. |
Team Leaders |
Teachers will provide Tier 2 math extra support in a timely manner based on common assessments to ensure students’ learning of essential standards. Students will participate in Tier 2 interventions and Work Places to support and extend their learning. |
By September, establish and implement daily Work Place/Tier 2 routines for 20 minutes. |
Team Leaders |
Teachers will implement a variety of Kagan structures in a math setting 3-5 times per week, developing students’ ability to process information collaboratively and to negotiate meaning of math and discuss content. |
3-5x/ week |
Principal/Team Leaders |
100% of classroom teachers, EL resource and SpEd resource will co-plan instruction at least three times per week, focusing on academic and content-specific vocabulary in order to create accessible Tier 1 instruction for all students |
3-5x/week PLCs |
Team Leaders |
Student social emotional well-being
SMART Goal for Student social emotional well-being
By May 2024, the Tier I team will include a Tier I systems coordinator, a school administrator, a family member, and individuals able to provide (a) applied behavioral expertise, (b) coaching expertise, (c) knowledge of student academic and behavior patterns, and (d) knowledge about the operations of the school across grade levels and programs.
As of Spring 2023, a Tier I team exists, but does not include all identified roles or attendance of these members is below 80% as noted on the PBIS Tier 1 Team Training TFI Workbook
Specific Action Step | Timeline & Setting | Point Person |
Tier I team meets at least monthly and has (a) regular meeting format/agenda, (b) minutes, (c) defined meeting roles, and (d) a current action plan. |
Fall- current PBIS team Winter-complete PBIS team |
Tier 1 Leader |
Tier I team will review and update SOAR exemplars across common areas, including common infractions. Adults will consistently reinforce examples and non-examples of expected behaviors. |
By the end of Trimester 1, November 2023 using SOAR matrix |
Tier 1 Leader |
Establish a Major & Minor data collection system in which Tier I team has instantaneous access to graphed reports summarizing discipline data organized by the frequency of problem behavior events by behavior, location, time of day, and by individual student. |
Fall- Major data reviewed Winter-establish Minor data system Spring: Major & Minor data sets are available |
Tier 1 Leader / Principal |
Schoolwide recognition of positive behaviors via Eagle Bucks and common language used by staff to identify positive behavior expectations |
Monthly schoolwide assemblies September-May |
Tier 1 Leader / Principal |
Targeted Special Population - IL State Report Card Response
SMART Goal for Targeted Special Population
By Fall 2024, the Overall Index Score for Children with Disabilities will increase to 35.4, ranking above the “Targeted” designation.
As of Fall 2023, the Illinois Report Card identified Children With Disabilities (CWD) as a special population in need of targeted support to meet learning expectations with an Overall Index Score of 34.02 based on the Illinois Assessment for Readiness (IAR) for 3rd-5th grade students at Orchard Place.
Specific Action Step | Timeline & Setting | Point Person |
Chronic Absenteeism within the population of students with IEPs will be addressed:
December 2023-May 2024 |
Principal |
Curriculum adoption to ensure updated research- and/or evidence-based curriculums are being used to instruct students with IEPs. Orchard Place will pilot one math curriculum and one reading curriculum. Prior to piloting, each teacher will receive proper training and support for implementation. |
Fall-math & ELA training Winter-Implementation in 3rd-5th grade instructional pgm; Spring- data review |
Co-Interim Asst Supt SS |
During the 2023-24 school year, the Student Services Department is utilizing monthly PLC Mondays for the training on the data process (collection, review, analysis, and enrichment). Staff required collect data every two weeks on goals and apply the process. |
PLC Mondays: Monthly from August 2023-May 2024
Weekly data reviews during SpEd Collab meetings OP: August 2023-May 2024 |
St Svs Coordinator / Student Services team |
The team
Team Member Name | Role |
Jacob Bultema |
2nd grade team leader |
Pam Dobrowski |
4th grade team leader / PD Facilitator |
Gianna Hansen |
5th grade team leader |
Nancy Pawelek |
EL Team Leader / EL Facilitator |
Melissa Kahn |
3rd grade team leader |
Laura Rosland |
1st grade team leader / PD Facilitator |
Margarita Martinez |
EL Facilitator |
Samantha Howe |
Kindergarten team leader |
Gloria Suriano |
Specials Team Leader |
Garrick Montesinos |
Student Services Team Leader |
Jennifer Suarez Bautista |
Principal |