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Photo of a student writing on a worksheet in a classroom.
Image of two students working together on a math worksheet in a classroom.

What is standards-based grading?

Standards-based grading communicates how students perform on a set of clearly defined learning targets called standards.

The purpose of standards-based grading is to identify what a student knows, or is able to do, in relation to those learning targets.

Standards-based grading reports what students should know and be able to do within each content area at each grade level.

  • Students are able to explain what they've learned or have not yet learned.
  • Families are provided information on the learning standards and their student's level of understanding of those learning standards.

Family Guide to Standards Based Grading for Kindergarten - 8th Grade

At District 62, we are empowering confident, future ready learners and productive citizens through impactful and innovative teaching practices.

One of the ways we do this is through focusing on standards-based learning.

The district strives to provide accurate, meaningful, and timely feedback to students and their families throughout the learning process. Reporting of student achievement reflects student progress toward learning and application of key academic concepts.

In standards-based grading, grades are about what students learn, not earn.

How does standards-based differ from traditional grading?

A student's performance on a series of tasks and assessments will help determine the student's learning status of each standard. Please see below for more detailed information.

How does the report card look?

The report card provides meaningful feedback so both students and families can track progress toward mastery of the grade level standards. This can act as a guide for reflection on strengths and ares of growth. 

Where can I find more information regarding the standards for my student?

We encourage all families to be informed regarding the academic content and concepts students will learn each year in school. Information on grade level standards can be found at the following website: 

Illinois Learning Standards


Report Card / Gradebook Marks for Standards-Based Grading

For an audiovisual recording of this guide, please click here

Report Card & GradeBook Remarks Previous Score Mark Description
EX 4 Exceeds: In addition to the “Meets” criteria, student demonstrates more complex learning that goes beyond what was explicitly taught.
ME 3 Meets: Student consistently meets grade level standard. Student applies concept at a proficient level.
AP 2 Approaches: Student is approaching an understanding of grade level standard. Student applies concepts with support.
BL 1 Below: Student is below in their understanding of grade level standard. Student does not apply concepts, even with additional support.




National Junior Honor Society

For an audiovisual recording of this guide, please click here.

Scholarship pillar

  • For 7th grade, students must have all 3s with at least one 4 in academic areas on report cards by the end of the term* for each course in which they are enrolled.
  • For 8th grade, students must have all 3s with at least one 4 in academic areas on report cards at the end of the term* for each course in which they are enrolled or by the end of 3rd quarter if the term ends during the 4th quarter

Character pillar

  • Students must have all 3s and 4s in Learner Behaviors on report cards for 7th grade.
  • Students must maintain all 3s and 4s in Learner Behaviors on report cares through the first three quarters of 8th grade year.
  • Students must maintain a clean disciplinary record.

sports for middle school students

  • A student must not have 3 or more missing assignments, in all classes, in order to be eligible for athletic participation the following week.

honor roll for middle school students

  • All 3s in academic areas.

What if I have questions?

Please connect with your child's teacher(s) about learning targets and standards-based grading if you have additional questions.