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Code of Conduct

The district aims to promote an effective learning environment in its schools where students demonstrate respect, self-discipline, and responsible behavior. Each student must be given the opportunity to learn in a school climate that protects their right to an education without fear or distractions. Bullying and/or intimidation of others will not be tolerated.

Rules for General Behavior

The behavior expected from students at school is a combination of common courtesy and safety considerations.

A few special areas require the application of very specific rules.

The following are never allowed: 1) fighting/physical aggression; 2) bullying, sexual harassment or hazing; 3) defiance of school staff; 4) profanity; 5) possession of dangerous objects; 6) vandalism; and 7) alcohol, cigarettes, including e-cigarettes, and other drugs. (Any instance of using, possessing, supplying to others, or being under the influence of alcohol, cigarettes, including e-cigarettes, illegal or look- alike drugs, or possessing drug paraphernalia on or adjacent to school premises, or at school events is prohibited.) Students violating these rules may be subject to suspension, expulsion warning, expulsion, and/or police referral.

Gross Disobedience and misconduct defined

Gross disobedience and misconduct is defined in Board of Education Policy 7:190, Student Behavior.

Prevention & Response to bullying, Intimidation, and harassment

Bullying, intimidation, and harassment diminish a student’s ability to learn and a school’s ability to educate.

Preventing students from engaging in these disruptive behaviors and providing all students equal access to a safe, non-hostile learning environment are important district goals.

Bus Conduct

All students must follow the district's School Bus Safety Rules. Please refer to Board Policy 7:220, Bus Conduct.


In accordance with guidance from the State of Illinois, the district will provide health and safety education and sex education to students in grades 4-8 which will include age-appropriate content.

Suicide Depression and Awareness

Youth suicide impacts the safety of the school environment.

It also affects the school community, diminishing the ability of surviving students to learn and the school’s ability to educate.

Suicide and depression awareness and prevention are important Board goals.

To that end, the Board has adopted Board Policy 7:290, Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention, which outlines the District’s suicide and depression awareness and prevention program.