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Students in Ms. Laura Knott's class used smaller pieces of materials to learn how large structures like houses are built.
- Orchard Place
Special education teachers at Orchard Place Elementary School have started using a new reading program called Sonday, which helps students learn beginning sounds and letters.
- Orchard Place
This week Orchard Place Elementary School first through fifth graders took a field trip to see the Chicago Wolves at the Allstate Arena in Rosemont!
- Orchard Place
Orchard Place Elementary School second graders have been busy creating oil pastel pumpkins in Ms. Phalen's art class.
- Orchard Place
Orchard Place Elementary School third graders are enjoying learning new songs and playing musical games in Mr. Ryan Spero's class.
- Orchard Place
On September 11, Orchard Place staff and students completed acts of service as part of the National Day of Service and Remembrance.
- Orchard Place
Kindergarten students in Mr. Ryan Spero's music class had fun learning new songs and a dance this week.
- Orchard Place
Staff and D62 Administrators welcomed Orchard Place Elementary School students to the 2024-2025 school year on Tuesday, August 20.
- Orchard Place
This week at Orchard Place Elementary School the spotlight was shining, hearts were pounding and a lineup of eager participants were awaiting their turn at the microphone.
- Orchard Place
On May 7, Principal of Algonquin Middle School Dr. Don Jones paid a visit to the 5th grade class at Orchard Place.
- Orchard Place
The Orchard Place Family Activity Committee (FAC) organized the much-anticipated return of a family favorite event, Día del Niño / Children's Day, on Friday, May 3.
- Orchard Place
Students from Forest, Orchard Place, Plainfield and South have been working all year in the beginning band, learning the fundamentals of their chosen instruments.
- Orchard Place
Students in Ms. Colleen Beaver's music classes have been busy practicing for their upcoming spring concert called "Spring Into Music."
- Orchard Place
Fourth grade students in Ms. Amber Phalen's art class worked on making a jazz collage print last week.
- Orchard Place
Orchard Place recently celebrated Global School Play Day, a day in which students can play freely without the use of screens.
- Orchard Place
Every day the Orchard Place Safety Patrols, made up of fifth graders dressed in fluorescent orange belts, keep the students safe and set a proper example of appropriate behavior!
- Orchard Place
Students in Ms. Colleen Beaver's music class freshened up on their recorder skills this week.
- Orchard Place
Orchard Place Elementary School is fortunate to receive Title 1 funds in order to design a literacy support program.
- Orchard Place
The 4th and 5th graders at Orchard Place celebrated the upcoming holiday season to a packed house on Wednesday, December 6 with their winter show "Tis the Season."
- Orchard Place
Orchard Place Elementary School collaborated with the organization Operation North Pole tp provide winter coats for all students.
- Orchard Place
The Orchard Place Student Council held its first event on Friday, October 26.
- Orchard Place
September 27th was custodian Pedro Aponte's last day at OP before moving out of state.
- Orchard Place
Orchard Place's Student Council recently held it's first meeting of the 2023-2024 school year.
- Orchard Place
All of the teachers at Orchard Place Elementary School chose a Kagan learning strategy that they wanted to implement with their students this year.
- Orchard Place
Students at were excited to have their pictures professionally taken last week!
- Orchard Place
The students in all of the PE classes at Orchard Place are learning soccer skills that can be applied to soccer games.
- Orchard Place
On Monday all of the students participated in the annual bus evacuation drills.
- Orchard Place
Orchard Place welcomed back their 1st-5th grade students this week as well as their new Kindergarten students.
- Orchard Place
Students put on a variety show for the whole school and volunteers to watch.
- Orchard Place
Students participated in multiple activities outdoors during their Field Day this year.
- Orchard Place
Students learned about Author, Dr. Seuss and his classic art style used in all of his published books.
- Orchard Place
Once a week, Mr. Dennis comes to Orchard Place with his service dog Stryker to help students with reading.
- Orchard Place