Board of Education
The District 62 Board of Education held its reorganization meeting on April 15, 2024. Board member Ronald Burton was elected board president and board member Elizabeth Massa was elected Vice President.
Board Meetings
The Board convenes its meetings on the third Monday of the month, except for the following meetings: August 12, 2024, January 21, 2025 and February 18, 2025.
Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room of Forest Elementary School, 1375 Fifth Avenue, Des Plaines, Illinois.
To confirm meeting times and dates, call the Leon Smaage Administration Center at (847) 824-1136. Meeting agendas are posted to the district website, the Administration Center and Forest Administrative Offices.
The Board of Education proceedings are streamed live. The District 62 Media makes the video recordings available over YouTube. Please subscribe!
2024-2025 Board of Education
Board of Education Members
From the left:
Elizabeth Massa, Vice President
Jeanette Weller, Member
Ronald Burton, President
Tina Garrett, Member
Gene Haring, Member
Stephanie Duckmann, Member
Elizabeth Morley, Member
dashboard reports
June 12, 2023 – Professional learning funds allowed District 62 staff to receive training in affecting school improvement and student achievement, including: curriculum articulation and collaboration among teachers, assessment results analysis and next steps planning based on students’ learning needs, mathematics learning, literacy learning, learning for English Learners, technology, improved pedagogical practices, leadership skills, and social-emotional learning.
Meetings Schedule
Unless notified to the contrary, all meetings will be held at 7:00 p.m. in the Boardroom at Forest Elementary School 1375 Fifth Avenue Des Plaines, IL
Annual Agenda
The Board of Education devote its full energies to its unique governance responsibilities and creates an environment in which the superintendent and all employees of the District know what the community expects of them and vigorously pursue those expectations to the very best of their abilities.
Community Consolidated School District 62 makes available all public records for inspection and/or copying, except to the extent the records are exempted under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). All requests under FOIA may be sent via email to